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Latest Articles about United States

Cuba best for healthcare
In spite of little wealth and ramshackle streets, Cuba is home to a welfare state that is second to none. Georgina Kenyon takes a look at the healthcare system that even developed countries have their eye on
New York state of mind
In order to know the real New York you need first to understand its food. And if the whole city revolves in and around one towering New York deli sandwich, then Simon Brandon can show you where to find enlightenment
Forward from World Aids day
Technological advances, cultural adjustments and education all have a role in combating the Aids/HIV pandemic. There is no simple solution, says Sarah Boseley, but governments must lead the way
A strong constitution
David Smith is a Guardian Abroad reader. He lives in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, having emigrated from Britain in 2003. He looks back on some initial teething problems, and offers a spot of advice
A life divided
From the day she left her family behind to go to school, Guardian Abroad reader Mary T N Morris began to feel that no matter where she might be, home is always somewhere else
When they're learning the wrong lessons in school
Anne Copeland writes that foreign parents bring their own expectations to their child’s classroom, often with unintended consequences for the teacher
Gore Vidal: 9/11, five years on
Gore Vidal has returned to the US after over thrity years of self-imposed exile in Italy. He talks with trademark candour about the state of the world to fellow expatriate American, Saundra Satterlee
How to study from abroad
Schoolchildren who trot the globe with their parents need not lose out on a stable education and the chance to be accepted at the university of their choice in later life, writes Anne P. Copeland