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Profile of Dorcas Roberts

In Bermuda, my official title at the Department of Immigration is ?Spouse of a Bermudian?, or, as I like to refer to myself as in polite company, an SOB.

I come from sunny northeast Scotland and met my Bermudian husband while at university in St. Andrews. Once married, it wasn?t long before he announced that he really should return to Bermuda to undertake his national service, and so I reluctantly (that?s what I tell people) agreed to follow. I arrived in Bermuda at the beginning of 2004.

Bermuda is an extraordinary country, it?s exceptionally pretty, exceptionally rich and exceptionally small. Bermudians refer to it as ?another world?, which I agree with whole-heartedly. I work here as an environmental conservation officer for the Bermuda National Trust, planting trees, digging ponds and the like.

The first thing you need to do if you?re thinking of moving here is to find out exactly where Bermuda is. You may already know (or claim to), which is a good start, but seriously, go to a map and find us. If after that you still have any questions about the island, I?d be happy to help.

Questions answered by Dorcas Roberts