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World Stories

Read some entertaining, useful and inspiring editorial from our correspondents around the world.

Milking the good life
Johnny Scott meets a family of dairy farmers who swapped a 50-acre farm in Somerset for a 260-acre one in Limousin, despite having never visited France nor spoken a word of French
Waxing feminine in Turkey
When Erica Kaya came to Istanbul she was a tomboy and equated primping with promiscuity – until she learnt a lesson in the Turkish idea of feminine from her savvy sister-in-law
Bringing eggs to Britain
Amanda Olsson finds that although her children looked out of place in China, on return to the United Kingdom and their 'home', their conversion to Asian culture became startlingly clear
Non-profits light the way
The Institute for One World Health has broken the private sector's global monopoly on healthcare and shown how effective not-for-profit enterprises can be in the fight against world suffering. Ken Burnett reports
Forward from World Aids day
Technological advances, cultural adjustments and education all have a role in combating the Aids/HIV pandemic. There is no simple solution, says Sarah Boseley, but governments must lead the way
Castle for a young prince
Paris-based Paul Myers shirks an opportunity to return to England to see friends and family, opting instead to brave a half-term jaunt to Burgundy with two young daughters and seven-month-old son
Doing the washing, Filipina-style
Keith Warren’s island diary makes it clear that cleaning clothes on Mango Island is not just a matter of efficiency; it’s much more about sharing the village gossip
Rise and fall of the native speaker
John Hughes tracks the evolution of the EFL teacher, and finds that in today's ethnically diverse classroom the Queen's English isn't cutting any mustard
Missing in Georgia
Peter Shaw has written a book about his experiences at the hands of kidnappers in Georgia. Anna Bruce-Lockhart meets him for a chat about his captivity and its effect on attitudes to international safety
Last days at the Buena Vista
Cuba, a mix of privation and decadence. The end might be drawing near for the island as we know it, but its comradely spirit is bound to survive. By Johnny Scott
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