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Latest Articles about Italy

Market focus on Italy
This week Saundra Satterlee looks at Italy, where classical heritage and some beautiful buildings are available to own – for those who can afford it
Formative experiences
In the long years since he began translating Italian into English, Nik Boini has learnt to find meaning in the worst textual tangles. There are, he finds, some words that are better left unsaid
Just another Italian style drama?
Italian prime minister Romano Prodi is threatening to bring back inheritance tax. Mark King runs a calculating eye over the facts and works out whether there is any cause for expatriates in the country to panic
Where angels fear to tread
As a foreigner, buying a house in Italy can be fraught with snags and perils. Barbara McMahon leads us through the stages of the process and unpacks its daunting mystique
Get out of the expat ghetto
Gillian Bennett is a Guardian Abroad reader. She has lived in Italy for 17 years, but wishes she had made more of an effort to fit in. She looks at the impact of segregation on our emotional health
Gore Vidal: 9/11, five years on
Gore Vidal has returned to the US after over thrity years of self-imposed exile in Italy. He talks with trademark candour about the state of the world to fellow expatriate American, Saundra Satterlee